Harassment Prevention for Managers Webinar
Harassment Prevention
for Managers
Harassment is not only illegal, it also impacts productivity and employee morale. This program is designed for California and all states.

Managing Within the Law Webinar
Managing Within the Law leads to lower employee turnover, and therefore higher customer satisfaction, which in turn drives profits.

Managing Overtime Webinar
In this fast-paced program, our attorney trainers will teach your managers about federal and state laws on overtime, and much more.

Harassment Prevention for Employees Webinar
Harassment Prevention
for Employees
Employees learn how to prohibit harassment, discrimination, and retaliation and how to seek help from other company assigned experts.

Managing a Hybrid Workforce Webinar

Effective Workplace Communication Webinar
Effective Workplace
Keep your workplace a great place to work with this highly interactive web workshop. We give participants a variety of strategies for responding to inappropriate words and actions.